




NOTE-ABLE” (Able to play Notes in a Notable way!) is an online instrumental music competition for children – at school or home schooled and aged 6 to 18. There is a JUNIOR category for 6 – 8 year olds, and INTERMEDIATE Category for 9 – 13 year olds and a SENIOR Category for 14 – 18 year olds.  
The competition was created in 2020 by Nelson based music educator Joel Bolton who saw the need for a platform on which young musicians could demonstrate their musicality and also inspire other children to learn or continue to learn an instrument. 
In addition he wanted to remove some of the stresses of a traditional competition by giving these young players the chance to perform and record in their own familiar and comfortable environments.

Entrants register by paying a small entry fee ($30 since 2022) AND submitting their videoed performance along with a score of the music they are performing.
From these entries semi-finalists and finalists are chosen. 
Their performances are presented to four prestigious and KIND judges for their comments and evaluation in three pre-recorded NOTEABLE shows (Junior, Intermediate, and Senior Semi-finals and a Grand Finale) which are streamed on the NOTE-ABLE YouTube channel.  

Players of all instruments (EXCEPT voice) are welcome to enter. 
Prize money of $600, $300 and $150 is awarded respectiely to the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place getters in the Senior Category – $500, 250, and $125 in the Intermediate age category – and $300, $150, and $75 in the Junior Category. 
Judges have the discretion to award a limited number of extra prizes. In the past these have been awarded to top Woodwind/Brass and Percussion players with the aim of encouraging more players of these instruments to enter the competition.

E-certificates are awarded to everyone but written reports will only be provided on request. 

Performers are encouraged to play music that they really love and that may inspire others to take up an instrument. For fun they may want to get creative with HOW they present their performances (background, clothing choice etc)
Evaluations of performances are based primarily on musicality, technical proficiency and X-Factor (ability to really engage the listener and draw them in to the performance)




How you can support NOTE-ABLE

All of us on the NOTE-ABLE team give of our time voluntarily as we believe strongly in the value of this competition. There is, however, a great deal of time and effort that goes into creating this competition and it may be difficult to maintain this in the long term.
Apart from some limited sponsorship NOTE-ABLE relies almost entirely on entry fees to generate enough income for prizes and the few other small, sundry expenses that running a competition such as this incurs.
Although this has allowed us to keep going up to this point there is always a concern from year to year that it may not be quite enough! 
If you like and appreciate what we are doing please consider supporting us. This could simply consist of spreading the word about the competition and encouraging children to enter or, if you are in a position to do so,  making a financial contribution. You can use the form below to do this (input of personal details is optional)
Sponsors will be acknowledged publicly but can remain anonymous if preferred. Larger sponsors will be invited to have their name attached to particular prizes or even entire categories.

Donation Forms (Bank Transfer and Credit Card payment)